

Go-To TV Show
Game of Thrones

Quote I Live By
Anything and everything you have experienced is purposeful; it has brought you to where you are now.

Hidden Talent
Chris Stapleton karaoke

Caitlin's favorite part about being a Gritbox coach is the ENERGY that everyone brings to each class. She is a former collegiate lacrosse player and has a background in personal training. Caitlin loves getting to work with individuals who are pumped and ready to get better every day.

To Caitlin, grit means having the strength and dedication to be able to push past the uncomfortable. Grit means having the passion, the unexplainable need, and the drive to work past your personal perceived limits because you know that on the other side of whatever discomfort you feel now are the dreams, goals, and betterment you strive to attain for yourself.

When she's not at the studio, you can find Caitlin at the beach either reading, walking, or socializing with her friends.